How to Stop Drinking Beer

Beer intake can be fun, and talking with your friends while intoxicated is a funny experience, even meaningful for some. However, beer can be a dangerous beverage when overly consumed. As you may have heard, too much of everything is bad. And indeed, it has adverse effects. Here are some notes on how to stop drinking beer.

Curbing Your Beer Intake: Starting a Journey

When you find something you like, you become invested in them. In the case of alcoholic beverages like beer, you also put out money and effort to be able to afford them.

As you enjoy this beverage, you also put yourself in a vulnerable state as intoxication wraps around you. While it can create headaches or nausea in the morning or even while drinking, intoxication can still be seen as enjoyable.

Some people drink beer to drown away their problems, and some people drink them to celebrate. Both of these times, they get drunk. While there’s nothing wrong with drinking beer, drinking it often can lead you to develop a dependence on them.

This means that there might be a point in your life where it’s hard to stop drinking them, and you find yourself craving them as often as it needs to be desired.

When you experience the adverse effects of being dependent on beer, it’s a fantastic decision to decide on curbing your intake. Perhaps it’s a personal decision or advised by people who care about you; nevertheless, it’s a good thing.

It might be a challenging road, but it would be worth all the sacrifices and changes for a better life. One of the main things you need to do is be ready. Quitting something you have grown dependent on is not easy, so you need to be prepared for the consequences and possible effects this change may have on you.

Things You Can Do To Stop Your Beer Intake Slowly

Things You Can Do To Stop Your Beer Intake Slowly

Introspect and get to know your habit

To fully know an opponent, a smart thing you can do is to get to know them. As the saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” One helpful way to defeat an enemy is by finding more information about them to devise a better plan to beat it.

Understanding your motivations is the starting point. This may include how often it occurs and why you do it. In this case, “why do you drink?” These things include triggers, motivation, and mindset toward drinking beer.

Consult a professional

Knowing you need intervention is one step, and consulting a professional for help is another healthy step toward improvement. Rather than the internet, it would be easier and more dependable to ask for help from a health professional.

This way, you don’t have to doublethink every time you decide on your process and journey. Having a professional’s guidance is also helpful, especially when you are at a challenging part of your journey.

Know the steps you need to take

After consultation and knowing more about your situation, the next thing to do is to plot the steps. Like every goal out there, you need to list the steps to achieve it so you know what things you need to prepare. Knowing beforehand gives you time to prepare yourself.


A good management plan gives you a more organized view of what you need to do. Of course, even big wins start with small steps, so you can organize by steps according to what you can take.

Be firm

As strong as the force that led you to stop drinking beer, your motivation to get through it should be of the same strength or even stronger. You need to be firm in your decision. Seldom moments of weakness are okay, but ultimately giving up would be a shame and, honestly, a waste of your time.

Tips to Slowly Let Go

Tips to Slowly Let Go

Tip 1: Communicate

One of the things you can do to acknowledge this challenge is to talk about it. It’s a way of putting it out there and saying that you are ready to change it. It could also be an extra incentive to follow through with your choice. Involving people you trust is also a good encouragement and reminder of your goal.

Tip 2: Assign a substitute drink

Picking the proper drink to replace beer with will strengthen your resolve to quit drinking. Of course, finding something that immediately fits the gap left by beer would be hard, but finding an interesting drink is a significant step.

Tip 3: Keep busy

People who always have something to do, find it hard to find time to go out drinking. In short, keeping yourself busy every time you feel like drinking can help lessen the urge to drink.

Tip 4: Reward method

Having something to look forward to is also a great motivation to follow through with the steps you have set for yourself. Implementing a reward system might be what you need in your journey. You can reward yourself with your favorite food or something you enjoy as a hobby whenever you spend a week not drinking beer.

Tip 5: Hobbies and journal

Trying out different hobbies can also take your mind off of drinking beer. Perhaps you have something you have always wanted to do but can’t because of your schedule, and you can try making time for it. Writing in a journal can also be an encouragement of your progress. Every time you open your journal, you will see how far you’ve come.

Possible Withdrawal Symptoms to Watch Out for

One of the reasons why it’s hard quitting beer is because of the possible withdrawal symptoms. Even when you are not that deep into the rabbit hole, withdrawal symptoms can hinder your effort to stop drinking beer.

It will be evident when you stop something your body has grown accustomed to or dependent on. This means your body will show signs such as trembling, sweating, nausea, palpitations, and others.

You may have seen these in films, but these are natural reactions from our bodies. These are just some of the signs. It can get worse depending on your dependency on beer and overall health. Some worse symptoms could be hallucinations and fever.

For these things, you need to be ready to face these signs. This is also why emotional support from people you trust is essential. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms would be one of the hardest hurdles in quitting beer, and you would need to be ready for it.

Why is Too Much Beer Intake Bad for You?

Why is Too Much Beer Intake Bad for You

Effect on your physical health

Of course, drinking beer occasionally would not change your body drastically. However, beer addiction can have severe effects on your body. You are most likely to gain unhealthy weight meaning the weight you might have gained can be coupled with the possibility of contracting diseases.

Effect on your mental health

A consistent intake of beer can also mess up your mental health. You might suffer from anxiety and sudden and irregular mood changes. This may be taxing for your overall health and relationship with other people.

Heart health

Beer can lead to heart disease when consumed more than the moderate requirement. This can also lead to high blood and stroke.

Immune system

Our immune system is in charge of keeping us away from sickness. However, increased beer consumption can lower the defense of your body. This means that the protective wall becomes weaker, and you become more vulnerable to sickness.

Liver and stomach health

When you talk about alcohol intake, the liver is one of the most affected. Unhealthy beer intake can cause irreparable damage to the liver.

Advantages of Stopping Beer Intake

The obvious changes

One of the apparent changes you would experience once you start your journey to quitting beer is weight loss. Your relationship with food would also improve, and you can slowly learn to avoid unhealthy foods.

Healthy heart and liver

Beer has some serious effects on your heart, and quitting this beverage can help improve your liver and heart’s health. They’re two of the body’s most essential organs, after all. Taking care of your heart and liver is necessary for a healthy life. You would be surprised how much better your body will feel once you quit drinking beer and prioritize your health.

Improved brain function

Less to the absence of intoxication helps your brain function better than ever. Letting go of beer can help you build a healthy relationship with your mental and emotional health.

These facets of your life are important, and sometimes you might sweep them under the rug. However, you will see a huge difference when you start taking care of these facets. Everything is connected, so when you nourish your mental health, you see it manifesting in the physical sphere.


One of the most challenging things to do when you have become dependent on beer is quitting. So, trying to find a way on how to stop drinking beer is a difficult decision even to make. Starting is hard, but succeeding is harder, so you must be disciplined and motivated to achieve your goal.

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