15 Entertaining Beer Olympics Game Ideas

Take all your best buddies, throw in a couple of beers, and add a few fun games; that’s the recipe for a good time. And that is precisely what beer Olympics games are, catalysts to a good time. They are a set of challenges that encourage everyone to drink and have fun while tapping into … Read more


5 Easy Steps to Brew Blonde Ale

Are you looking to try your hand at making some delicious blondies? If so, then stick around, and I’ll give you the scoop on everything you need to know to whip up these delicious treats! The Blonde Ale has many aliases (ooh, sounds spooky); the most common is “Golden Ale.” It is an easy-going beer … Read more


6 Steps to Change a Beer Keg Like Expert

Knowing how to change a beer keg is useful in the bar and nightclub industry. The downtime resulting from the inconvenience of a bartender abandoning his post to replace an empty keg can hurt customer impressions. The last thing you want is a mob of thirsty angry customers. This article aims to teach you how … Read more

breweries-in-Atlanta, GA

10 Best Breweries in Atlanta

Welcome to Atlanta, a city with a rich history, a vibrant hip-hop scene, and a popping brewing culture. The last decade especially was kind to Atlanta, with new breweries popping up almost every year since 2010. But how do these breweries measure against each other; let’s find out. But first, some house rules. We’ll review … Read more


Dark Beer vs. Light Beer: Color, Flavor,Brewing Process and More

You’re maybe new to the world of beer, or you’re maybe drinking beer for how many years; we can all say that there is plenty of beer types when it comes to beer drinking–from pale ales, stouts, amber ales, IPas, and so forth.  However, beer lovers indeed have preferences for beer varieties, colors, and tastes. … Read more


Mixology 101: 20 Ginger Beer Cocktail Recipes

Whenever my friends ask what my favorite drink is, they end up shaking their heads because I tell them it’s Ginger Beer. For those who aren’t familiar or used to this kind of drink, it might sound like an odd answer. However, they really don’t know the delightful things that Ginger Beer has to offer. … Read more


The Lowdown on 3.2 Beer: Why Does It Even Exist?

Throughout history, there have been different forms of less alcoholic beer. In Mid Evil times, weak beer was a safer option than water, which was killing people due to contamination. Fast forward to the 1930s, and 3.2 beer became a thing after Prohibition. So, What is 3.2 Beer? The 3.2 beer contains 3.2% alcohol by … Read more


What Is The Difference Between Pilsner VS. Lager?

There are people who never liked the taste of a beer, there are some who just drink beers without even knowing and understanding what it really is, but there are also beer geeks, they are always curious about the beer they are going to drink. Ordinary people might be left confused all the time about … Read more


Dry Beer Unveiled: Characteristics, History & Brewing Process

Satisfy your alcohol cravings with Dry beer! A beer known for its high alcohol content and unique flavor. Dive into the world of Dry beer and uncover its secrets by reading to the end of this article. Get ready to be amazed by this amazing drink! Introduction to Dry Beer As a beer lover or … Read more


Top 16 Popular Japanese Beers to Try Out in 2024

Have you ever wondered what beer tastes like from different parts of the world? Well, it’s time to take some thought into action and try out some of the best and most popular Japanese beers in the market today. We’ve listed down 16 Japanese beers below so let’s get started. 1. Orion Premium Draft Beer The … Read more