35 DIY Creative Wooden Crate Ideas to Spruce Up Your Space

If you’re looking for a creative and affordable way to decorate your space, look no further than your old wooden crates. With a little effort and imagination, these seemingly useless items can be transformed into stylish pieces of furniture or decor. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or just starting out, this collection of unique wooden crate decorating ideas and projects will inspire you to personalize your space in a completely new way. Let’s get started on this creative journey together!

Wooden Crate Shoe Storage Display

Wooden Crate Shoe Storage Display

Consider a wooden crate shoe storage display! This creative storage solution is not only practical but also adds a touch of rustic charm to your modern furniture. With just a few small wooden crates, you can easily organize all your storage materials in a divine way. Say goodbye to shabbiness and hello to a well-organized and visually appealing hallway!


Transforming a Wine Crate into a Decorative Storage Box

Transforming a Wine Crate into a Decorative Storage Box

Not only does this project add a vintage touch to your decor, but it also comes with attached handles for easy transport. To get started, you’ll need a wine crate, wood stain, wood glue, sandpaper, a box cutter, and two cabinet handles. With its sturdy construction, this box is sure to provide long-lasting use.


Fruit Crate Bench with Shoe Storage

Fruit Crate Bench with Shoe Storage

This versatile piece is perfect for your living room or hallway, and offers hidden storage options that are sure to come in handy. With just a few simple materials – including a wood crate, spray paint, wood slabs, wool, cotton cloth, drill, screws, and wheels – you can create a unique and functional piece that is sure to impress.


Yarn Storage Shelves Using Wooden Crates

Yarn Storage Shelves Using Wooden Crates

Looking for a creative and modern way to store your yarn stash? Consider making yarn storage shelves using wooden crates.


DIY Kids Crate Craft Table

DIY Kids Crate Craft Table

This versatile table is perfect for indoor or outdoor use and includes storage space to keep all of your crafting supplies organized. To make this table, you’ll need two large crates, plywood, a table saw, eight 2″ casters, a drill, and screws.


Wooden Crate Planter on Wall

Wooden Crate Planter on Wall

Not only does it add a stylish touch to your garden, but it also provides a convenient storage compartment. With just a few simple tools like wooden crates, outdoor paint, 10 deck screws, hammer & nails, screwdriver, and level, you can create as many planters as you desire.


Stained Navy Wooden Crate Refreshment Station

Stained Navy Wooden Crate Refreshment Station

You can use it as a refreshment station or a utensils storage box, for instance, disposable plates and glasses. All you need are a wooden crate, drop and tack cloth, sandpaper, stir stick, and paintbrush.


Coffee Table Using Big Wooden Crates

Coffee Table Using Big Wooden Crates

Consider building a coffee table using big wooden crates! This DIY project is perfect for those who want to add a touch of rustic charm to their outdoor space. All you need are wooden rectangle crates, castor wheels, wood stain, nail gun, and saw.


Easy Wooden Crate Shelf

Easy Wooden Crate Shelf

Creating a wooden crate shelf is an easy and cost-effective way to add storage to your home. To make your own, gather wooden crates, 1×8 pine boards, an aluminum bar, spade bit, nuts and screws, hanging hardware, and a hacksaw. Follow this hanging rack tutorial to take down and hang up crates as needed. This versatile storage solution can be customized to fit your specific needs and decor style. Plus, it won’t break the bank, costing only $30-40.


DIY Crate Shelf Statement Wall

DIY Crate Shelf Statement Wall

Looking for a fun and easy DIY project to add a unique touch to your bedroom? Consider creating a statement wall with DIY crate shelves! Not only is it a great way to add some color to your space, but it’s also a practical storage solution. To get started, you’ll need some wooden crates, a measuring tape, drill, screws, countersink bit, and matte paint in your preferred color.


DIY Wood Crate TV Stand

DIY Wood Crate TV Stand

Looking for a budget-friendly and efficient way to organize your living room? Look no further than the DIY Wood Crate TV Stand! This project is perfect for renters or students on a tight budget. With just a few common tools such as crates, screws, and a power drill, you can create a stylish and functional TV stand that provides ample storage for your go-to essentials. This project is easy to customize to fit your specific needs and style preferences. Give your living room the makeover it deserves with this simple and affordable DIY project.


Wood Crate Rolling Cart

Wood Crate Rolling Cart

If you enjoy creating rustic furniture pieces, then the wood crate rolling cart is a project you will definitely want to try. This DIY project is quick and easy to make, and it can be a great conversation starter when you have guests over. The supplies needed for this project include wood crates, ball casters, wood screws, a drill with a drill bit, and a screwdriver bit. Once you have assembled the cart, you can decorate it with items that match your personal style and taste. Impress your guests with your impressive crafting skills by creating this charming piece of furniture.


DIY Wooden Crate End Table on a Budget

DIY Wooden Crate End Table on a Budget

Looking for a vintage-inspired end table but don’t want to break the bank? Why not make one yourself in under an hour! This Wooden Crate End Table on a Budget is a perfect addition to any room and takes up minimal space. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions and finish off with a stain coat for an impressive final touch. Plus, you’ll save money by avoiding online furniture shopping. Get started on your own DIY end table today!

Sturdy Wooden Crate Cabinet with Sliding Drawers

Sturdy Wooden Crate Cabinet with Sliding Drawers

Made from wooden crates, planks, and ply-board, this cabinet is easy to assemble with just a few tools, including a miter saw, circular saw, clamps, drill, hammer & screws, and wood glue. With 4 pairs of drawer slides, you can easily store and access your belongings. Plus, the rustic charm of the wooden crates adds a touch of character to any room.


How to Build Wooden Crate Bookshelf

How to Build Wooden Crate Bookshelf

Looking for a stylish yet affordable way to add storage to your kids’ room? Consider building a bookshelf out of recycled wooden crates! Not only is this DIY project easy to complete, but it also adds a unique and charming touch to any space. To get started, you’ll need wooden crates, a sander, hammer and nails, brackets, stain, and polyurethane.


Nightstand from an Old Wine Crate

Nightstand from an Old Wine Crate

Looking for a way to save money while renovating your bedroom? Consider creating a DIY nightstand from an old wine crate! Not only is this a cost-effective solution, but it also adds a unique vintage touch to your space. To make this craft, all you’ll need is a wine crate, mod podge, hairpin table legs, dark wax polish, and short and wide wood screws.


Painted Wood Crate Basket for Bike

Painted Wood Crate Basket for Bike

Looking to upgrade your bike? Try adding a Painted Wood Crate Basket for Bike! This cool accessory not only adds style to your ride, but it also provides a convenient storage space for your essentials such as water bottles, books, or snacks. To create this project, you will need a wood crate, latex paints & brush, snap fasteners & pliers, painter’s tape, drill, hook screw, 2 belts, and a pair of scissors.

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Upholstered Wood Crate Storage Seat

Upholstered Wood Crate Storage Seat

Transform a basic wooden crate into a multi-functional storage container and seat with this DIY Upholstered Wood Crate Storage Seat project. Perfect for a child’s room, this project requires only a few materials such as upholstery foam, fabric and batting, nails, sandpaper, glue gun, staple gun, and glue sticks. The end result is a stylish and practical storage solution that can hold toys, books, clothes, and more. Follow the easy steps provided by thecraftpatch to create your own Upholstered Wood Crate Storage Seat.


Wooden Crate Pumpkins Craft

Wooden Crate Pumpkins Craft

Looking for a fun and easy Halloween decor project? Try making Wooden Crate Pumpkins! All you need are three different-sized wooden crates, orange acrylic paint, ribbon, and branch stems. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions and you’ll have a unique and spooky setup in no time. This craft is perfect for adding a touch of Halloween spirit to your home or office. Get creative and have fun!


How to Build a Wood Crate Box

How to Build a Wood Crate Box

Looking for a beautiful and sturdy storage solution? Building a wood crate box is a great option. To start, gather fine-quality wood boards and the necessary supplies.

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Build Wood Pallet Crates

Build Wood Pallet Crates

If you’re looking for a creative way to use wooden pallets, consider building crates out of them! Not only are they useful for storing various items, but they can also help you organize your space. Plus, their aesthetic appeal is undeniable – you can even use them as functional tables in your rooms.


Create a Milk Crate Planter with Rust-Oleum

Create a Milk Crate Planter with Rust-Oleum

Looking for a simple and affordable way to give your entrance doorway a fresh look? Look no further than this DIY Milk Crate Planter with Rust-Oleum. To get started, you’ll need a wooden crate, two cans of Rust-Oleum spray paint, faux plants, and fairy lights.


Ottoman from Small Wooden Crate

Ottoman from Small Wooden Crate

Looking for a fun and easy DIY project? Consider making an Ottoman out of a small wooden crate! To get started, gather supplies like a wooden crate, board, cotton filler, fabric, scissors, staple gun, drill, screws, and 2x2s. First, measure and cut the board to fit the top of the crate. Then, cover the board with cotton filler and fabric, securing it with a staple gun. Attach the board to the top of the crate using screws and 2x2s. Voila! You now have a beautiful accent piece for your home that showcases your crafting skills.

Build Your Own Wooden Crate Bookcase

Build Your Own Wooden Crate Bookcase

Looking for an affordable yet stylish bookshelf? Why not try building your own wooden crate bookcase? This DIY project is not only easy to construct but also allows for creative experimentation. You can choose to paint the crates with any color to make them bright and colorful, or leave them in their natural wooden state for a more rustic look.

DIY Painted Wooden Crate

DIY Painted Wooden Crate

Transform your plain wooden crate into a colorful piece of furniture with this easy DIY project. Choose any size of crate that you like and make sure to sand and clean it before applying the paint. For this project, you will need a wooden crate, milk paint, a container, paintbrush, and stir stick.


Farmhouse Style Wood Crates Produce Stand

Farmhouse Style Wood Crates Produce Stand

Looking for a stylish and practical way to store your fruits and vegetables in the kitchen? Look no further than the Farmhouse Style Wood Crates Produce Stand. This two-tier stand is made from wood crates, wood boards, wood screws, and wood stain, and can be easily assembled by following the provided plan. With this stand, you can save valuable counter space while also adding a chic piece of furniture to your kitchen. Plus, the open design makes it easy to grab your produce and get cooking.


DIY Dog Crate Console

DIY Dog Crate Console

If you want to create a functional and attractive piece of furniture for your furry friend, consider building a DIY dog crate console. With a few tools like a miter saw, drill, Kreg jig, gauge nailer, and table saw, along with materials like framing lumber, pinewood, pocket hole screws, staples, pin nails, hinges, and wood glue, you can create a stylish and practical dog crate that doubles as a console table. Follow the instructions from Shanty 2 Chic to build this beautiful piece of furniture for your furry friend.

shanty 2 chic

How to Decorate a Wood Crate with Mod Podge

How to Decorate a Wood Crate with Mod Podge

Decorating a wooden crate with mod podge is an easy and fun project that can add a unique touch to your home decor. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Gather your supplies, including a small wooden crate, adhesive stencils, mod podge gloss, paint, scrapbook paper, sand, paper cutter, craft knife, ruler, mat, pencil, and paintbrush.
  2. Sand the surface of the crate to remove any rough spots or splinters.
  3. Cut your scrapbook paper to fit the sides of the crate using a paper cutter or craft knife and ruler.
  4. Apply a layer of mod podge to the back of the paper and carefully place it onto the crate, smoothing out any bubbles or wrinkles.
  5. Once the paper is dry, use adhesive stencils to add any designs or patterns you like to the crate.
  6. Apply a layer of mod podge over the entire crate, including the paper and stencils, to seal and protect the surface.
  7. Once the mod podge is dry, add any additional paint or embellishments you like to complete your design.

With these simple steps, you can create a beautiful and personalized wood crate using mod podge.


Mini Wood Crates Organizer for Craft Room

Mini Wood Crates Organizer for Craft Room

If you are an art and craft enthusiast, you can try out this DIY project of creating mini wood crates organizer for your craft room. These crates help you keep your supplies organized and within reach. To make them, you will need mini wooden crates, gorilla glue, paints, and paintbrushes. You can customize the crates by painting them in your favorite colors to match your craft room decor. This project is easy to do and will add a touch of creativity to your craft room.


Build Your Own DIY Bookshelf Using Large Wooden Crates

Build Your Own DIY Bookshelf Using Large Wooden Crates

Looking for a way to add some modern and contemporary style to your home without breaking the bank? Why not build your own DIY crate bookshelf! Not only is it easy to build, but it’s also customizable to fit your space and budget. To get started, you’ll need unfinished wood crates, a sander, sponge brushes, rags, a plastic table cloth, Minwax provincial stain, screws, an L bracket, and a screwdriver. With these materials and a little bit of effort, you can create a stunning and functional bookshelf that will impress your guests.


Upcycle Wooden Crates to Rustic Bookshelf

Upcycle Wooden Crates to Rustic Bookshelf

Looking for a simple and affordable way to add a rustic touch to your living room? Why not try upcycling wooden crates into a bookshelf? This DIY project is easy to build and requires only basic supplies, so you don’t need to be an expert to complete it.

To build this rustic bookshelf, you will need wooden crates, measuring tape, pencil, pine boards, pocket-hole jig, drill bit, pocket-hole screws, and self-boring wood screws. Follow these steps:

  1. Measure and mark the pine boards to fit the size of the wooden crates.
  2. Use a pocket-hole jig to drill pocket holes into the pine boards.
  3. Attach the pine boards to the wooden crates using pocket-hole screws.
  4. Secure the bookshelf to the wall using self-boring wood screws.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll have a beautiful and functional bookshelf that adds a touch of rustic charm to your living space.

DIY Wooden Crate Bench

DIY Wooden Crate Bench

Add some color and character to your home with a vibrant red DIY wooden crate bench. Impress your guests with your creative skills by placing it on your front porch. This bench is not only easy to make, but it is also budget-friendly. Follow these simple steps to create your own unique piece of furniture:

  1. Gather your materials: wooden crates, screws, drill, saw, sandpaper, paint, and brushes.
  2. Measure and cut the crates to the desired size for the bench.
  3. Sand the crates to ensure a smooth surface.
  4. Assemble the crates together using screws and a drill.
  5. Paint the bench with a bright red color and let it dry.
  6. Add some finishing touches to the bench, such as cushions or pillows.

With just a few simple steps, you can create a beautiful and functional piece of furniture for your home. The best part? You can customize the bench to fit your personal style and taste. Give it a try and see how easy and fun it is to make your own DIY wooden crate bench.


DIY Wood Storage Crate

DIY Wood Storage Crate

Looking for a fun and easy DIY project? Why not try making your own wood storage crate? This project is perfect for anyone who wants to add a little artistic flair to their storage solutions. With just a few simple materials, you can create a stylish and functional crate that can be used to store all sorts of items, from stationery to decor items, vases, candles, and more.

To get started, all you need is some construction paper, wooden crates, scissors, chalkboards, chalk, glue, and markers. Once you have your materials, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Cut the construction paper to fit the inside of the crate.
  2. Glue the paper to the inside of the crate.
  3. Use the chalkboard and chalk to label the crate.
  4. Decorate the crate with markers or other materials as desired.

And that’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can create a stylish and functional wood storage crate that is perfect for all your storage needs. So why not give it a try today?


Wood Crate Platform Bed

Wood Crate Platform Bed

Looking for a unique and functional bed? Why not try making your own wood crate platform bed? This DIY project is perfect for those who love to customize their furniture. With just a few supplies, you can create a bed that suits your style. Start by gathering wooden crates and painting them in your desired color. Then, stack them up and secure them with screws. Add a mattress on top and voila! You now have a cozy and stylish bed that’s perfect for your bedroom.


Antique Wood Crate Storage

Antique Wood Crate Storage

Looking for a unique way to store your belongings? Consider building an antique wood crate storage! This DIY project is easy to build and budget-friendly. To get started, you will need an unfinished wood crate, stain, stencil, black acrylic paint, stencil brush, rags, and latex gloves. Follow these steps to create your own antique wood crate storage:

  1. Apply stain to the wood crate using a rag. Allow it to dry completely.
  2. Use a stencil to add a design to the crate using black acrylic paint and a stencil brush.
  3. Once the paint has dried, add a coat of clear sealant to protect the design.
  4. Your antique wood crate storage is now ready to use!

This unique storage solution is perfect for antique lovers and those looking for a rustic touch in their home decor.



You know that wooden crates are a popular choice for shipping and storage due to their durability and versatility. They are commonly used in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation. Wooden crates can be customized to fit specific needs and can be easily assembled and disassembled for efficient storage. They are also eco-friendly and can be reused or recycled. Overall, wooden crates are a reliable and cost-effective solution for packaging and transportation needs.

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