22 Best DIY Compost Bin Ideas

If you’re looking to enhance the quality of your garden and soil, then composting is a must. However, it’s not as simple as throwing scraps into a pile outside. To ensure that you’re composting correctly, you need a container that can hold all of your food scraps and prevent them from being blown away or infested with pests. In this article, you’ll find various DIY Compost Bin Ideas that will help you create a pile of compost that can be used to fertilize your soil, especially if you have a large garden.

DIY Triple Compost Bin

DIY Triple Compost Bin

Looking to save money and improve your garden? Consider building a DIY triple compost bin. With three separate compartments, you can create compost in just two months using decomposers like weeds or grass. This project is an excellent addition to any outside space and will keep your kitchen scraps out of the trash while they turn into nutrient-rich soil. Plus, with three compartments, you won’t have to wait for months to get the total result of your efforts. It’s a great way to recycle your garbage and create a sustainable garden.

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Homemade Compost Bin DIY

Looking for a cost-effective way to make your own compost bin? Look no further than this DIY guide! With just a few simple materials that you may already have in your home, you can create a compost bin from scratch. All you need are a few buckets and some other components. Follow the video tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to create your very own homemade compost bin. It’s an easy and fun DIY project that can save you money in the long run!

Here are the materials you’ll need:

  • 2 buckets with lids
  • Drill
  • 1/4-inch drill bit
  • 1/2-inch drill bit
  • 1/2-inch PVC pipe
  • 1/2-inch PVC elbow
  • 1/2-inch PVC cap

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Drill several holes in the bottom and sides of one bucket using the 1/4-inch drill bit.
  2. Drill a hole in the center of the lid of the second bucket using the 1/2-inch drill bit.
  3. Insert the 1/2-inch PVC pipe into the hole in the lid, and attach the PVC elbow to the end of the pipe.
  4. Drill several holes in the sides of the second bucket using the 1/4-inch drill bit.
  5. Attach the second bucket to the first bucket by placing the second bucket on top of the first bucket.
  6. Insert the PVC pipe and elbow into the holes in the second bucket.
  7. Cap the end of the PVC pipe with the PVC cap.

Congratulations, you have now created your very own homemade compost bin!

How to Build a Compost Bin

Building a compost bin is a simple and cost-effective way to create nutrient-rich soil for your plants. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Gather materials: You will need pressure-treated wood boards to make the wooden structure of your compost bin. Pine wood is not recommended as it will rot quickly and may harm your plants. You can easily purchase pressure-treated wood boards at home improvement stores or Home Depot.
  2. Cut the wood: Cut the wood boards to the desired length and width for your compost bin. Make sure to measure the space where you plan to place the bin to ensure it fits properly.
  3. Assemble the bin: Use screws or nails to assemble the wooden boards into a box shape. Leave one side open for easy access to the compost.
  4. Add a lid: Cut a piece of wood to fit the top of the bin and attach it with hinges to create a lid. This will keep the compost contained and protected from the elements.
  5. Start composting: Add organic materials such as food scraps, yard waste, and leaves to the bin. Mix the materials regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition.

By following these simple steps, you can create your own compost bin and start producing nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

DIY Compost Bin For $13

Building a compost bin can be an affordable and easy way to start composting. With a transparent plastic container, you can monitor your compost easily. Here’s how to build one for only $13:


  • 18-gallon clear plastic container with lid
  • Drill with 1/4-inch drill bit
  • Two bungee cords
  • Gloves (optional)


  1. Drill 20-30 holes in the lid and the bottom of the container for ventilation.
  2. Place the container on top of a wooden pallet or bricks to allow for drainage.
  3. Fill the container with organic materials, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, yard waste, and shredded paper.
  4. Cover the container with the lid and secure it with two bungee cords.
  5. Turn the container every few days to mix the compost.

This DIY compost bin is portable, durable, and easy to use. Start composting today and reduce your household waste.

DIY Garden Compost Bin

DIY Garden Compost Bin

Creating a garden compost bin is a simple and rewarding project that can help reduce waste and provide nutrient-rich soil for your plants. Here’s how to make a rotating barrel compost bin using items you may already have at home:

  • Find a large plastic barrel with a removable lid.
  • Drill several holes around the barrel for ventilation.
  • Cut a circular hole in the side of the barrel to access the compost.
  • Add a sturdy rod through the center of the barrel for rotation.
  • Fill the barrel with kitchen waste, yard clippings, and soil.
  • Rotate the barrel every few days to mix the compost.
  • Wait several weeks to several months for the compost to decompose.
  • Use the finished compost to fertilize your garden.

With a little effort and creativity, you can easily create your own garden compost bin and help reduce waste while improving your soil.

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DIY Rotating Bin Composter

DIY Rotating Bin Composter

With a few simple steps, you can create a rotating compost bin at home using food-safe plastic barrels and sheet metal. The wood handles make it easy to handle, and the clear lid allows you to monitor the decomposition process of your compost. Follow the detailed instructions provided to make installation a breeze. This DIY Rotating Bin Composter is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Start this project today and enjoy the benefits of composting!

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DIY Home Compost Bin

To build a compost bin at home, you can save money by using 2×4 pressure-treated lumber wood and chicken wire or net wire to enclose the bin. In addition to these materials, you will need a few other everyday hardware items and recycled lumber. Follow this simple tutorial to learn how to build your own compost bin and add functionality with some fun details.

Cheap and Easy DIY Compost Bin

Looking for an affordable and easy way to make a compost bin? Look no further! With just a few household supplies, you can create your own compost bin at home. This project is perfect for beginners and experienced DIYers alike. All you need are bulldog clamps, 1.5-inch PVC pipe, rubber flooring, and lumber. You can even use scrap wood if you have it lying around. And the best part? This compost bin will cost you less than $12 to make, saving you money compared to buying a commercial product.

Inexpensive Compost Bin

Inexpensive Compost Bin

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to make your own organic fertilizer, this compost bin is perfect for you. Made of plastic and portable, it’s also one of the most efficient compost bins in this DIY project. To make it, you’ll need a 32-gallon trash can, rubber straps, chest drain plugs, screen door pulls, nylon insert nuts, stainless steel washers, and screws. Follow these steps to make your own compost bin:

  1. Drill holes in the trash can for aeration.
  2. Attach the rubber straps to the trash can to secure the lid.
  3. Install the chest drain plugs in the bottom of the trash can for drainage.
  4. Attach the screen door pulls to the sides of the trash can for easy lifting.
  5. Use the nylon insert nuts, stainless steel washers, and screws to secure all the parts.

Now, you’re ready to start composting! Simply add your organic waste to the bin and let it decompose into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden.

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DIY Sturdy Pallet Compost Bin

If you’re looking for an effective way to compost your organic waste, consider building a pallet compost bin. Pallets are a readily available material that are inexpensive and durable, making them the perfect choice for this project. With just one day of work, you can create a sturdy and elegant compost bin with curved sides and a handy lid for easy use and cleanup. Follow these easy steps to create the best compost bin you’ve ever owned:

  1. Gather materials: You’ll need six pallets of the same size, screws, a drill, a circular saw, and a measuring tape.
  2. Cut pallets: Cut two pallets in half to create four shorter pieces. These will be the front and back of the bin. Cut two other pallets in half diagonally to create four triangular pieces. These will be the sides of the bin.
  3. Assemble sides: Screw the triangular pieces to the front and back pieces to create the sides of the bin.
  4. Add bottom: Cut another pallet to fit the bottom of the bin and screw it in place.
  5. Add lid: Cut the final pallet in half and screw the two pieces together to create a lid. Attach the lid to the top of the bin with hinges.
  6. Use and enjoy: Fill the bin with organic waste and turn it regularly to create rich compost for your garden.

By following these steps, you can create a compost bin that is not only effective but also stylish and durable. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to reduce waste and improve the health of your garden.

DIY Compost Bin

Making your own compost bin is easy and practical. With just three materials and three simple steps, you can create a useful tool for recycling food scraps and helping the environment. Here’s how:

Materials needed:

  • A plastic storage bin with a lid
  • A drill
  • A bungee cord


  1. Drill holes in the bottom and sides of the plastic bin for aeration and drainage.
  2. Place the bin in a shaded area with good drainage.
  3. Secure the lid with a bungee cord to keep animals out.

DIY Upcycled Compost Bin

DIY Upcycled Compost Bin

Building your own compost bin is a great way to recycle and enrich your garden soil. With just a few simple tools and some recycled redwood fencing boards, you can create a sturdy and attractive bin that will last for years. Here is a cut list to guide you in cutting the wood to the required sizes:

Part Quantity Size
A 2 36″ x 27″
B 2 36″ x 35 1/2″
C 4 27″ x 35 1/2″
D 4 27″ x 23 1/2″

Once you have cut the wood, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Lay out the pieces of wood to form the back, sides, and front of the bin.
  2. Nail the pieces together to form a rectangular frame.
  3. Cut a piece of wood to fit the bottom of the bin and nail it in place.
  4. Cut a piece of wood to fit the top of the bin and nail it in place.
  5. Cut a hole in the front of the bin for easy access to the compost.
  6. Place the bin in a sunny spot in your yard and start composting!

With just a few hours of work, you can have a beautiful and functional compost bin that will help you reduce waste and improve your garden soil.

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How to Build a DIY Compost Bin

How to Build a DIY Compost Bin

If you’re a beginner looking to build a compost bin, follow these steps for a successful project:

  1. Obtain the necessary materials including lumber, chicken wire, hinges, nails, and screws.
  2. Use the provided cut list to make appropriate cuts with the lumber.
  3. Assemble the sides of the bin using the cut lumber and chicken wire.
  4. Attach the hinges to one side of the bin to create a door for easy access.
  5. Secure the door with screws.
  6. Place the bin in a suitable location and fill it with organic waste.
  7. Turn the compost regularly to ensure proper aeration and decomposition.

This DIY compost bin plan is suitable for beginners and learners. With the right materials and tools, you can build a functional compost bin that will help reduce waste and provide nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

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How To Make A Compost Bin Using Plastic Container

How To Make A Compost Bin Using Plastic Container

If you’re looking for an easy and inexpensive way to create a compost bin, using a plastic container is a great option. With just a few simple steps, you can have your own compost bin and start collecting free or cheap compost. Here’s how you can make your own compost bin using a plastic container:

  1. Choose a plastic container: Select a plastic container that is at least 18 inches deep and has a lid. It can be any size, but the bigger the container, the more compost you can make.
  2. Drill holes: Use a drill to make several small holes in the bottom and sides of the container. This will allow air to circulate and help your compost break down faster.
  3. Add compost material: Add a layer of brown material, such as dead leaves or shredded paper, to the bottom of the container. Then add a layer of green material, such as food scraps or grass clippings. Continue adding layers until the container is about three-quarters full.
  4. Mix and moisten: Use a garden fork or shovel to mix the compost materials together. Then moisten the compost with water until it’s damp but not soaking wet.
  5. Cover and wait: Put the lid on the container and place it in a warm, sunny spot. Every few days, use a garden fork or shovel to mix the compost materials together. In a few weeks, you’ll have rich, nutrient-dense compost that you can use in your garden.

Making a compost bin using a plastic container is an easy and cost-effective way to create your own compost. With just a few simple steps, you can have a steady supply of nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

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DIY Compost Bin

DIY Compost Bin

Building your own compost bin is easier than you might think. With just a few supplies and some basic tools, you can create a simple and inexpensive bin that will help you turn your yard waste and kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost.

To build your compost bin, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Pressure-treated wood
  • Bolts, washers, and nails
  • Piano hinge
  • Old chain link fence post (optional)

All of these materials can be purchased for around $50. Once you have your supplies, follow our step-by-step instructions to construct your compost bin. Before you know it, you’ll be producing your own rich compost to use in your garden or flower beds. Click for more details.

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DIY Eco-Friendly Compost Bin

DIY Eco-Friendly Compost Bin

Creating your own compost bin is a simple and eco-friendly way to reduce waste and produce nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Follow these five easy steps to make your own compost bin using only a piece of wood and some plastic:

  1. Cut your wood into four equal pieces to create the frame of your compost bin.
  2. Cut the plastic sheet to size and attach it to the frame using nails or screws.
  3. Drill holes into the sides of the bin to allow for proper air circulation.
  4. Place your compost materials, such as food scraps and yard waste, into the bin.
  5. Use a pitchfork to mix the materials and keep them aerated.

This compost bin design is made from completely re-usable materials and requires no special equipment. Unlike commercial compost bins, this eco-friendly option won’t attract pests or insects and helps to retain moisture and heat for efficient composting. In as little as three weeks, you can produce excellent compost for your garden while reducing your carbon footprint.

Cheap DIY Compost Bin

If you’re looking for an affordable way to compost your yard waste and kitchen scraps, consider making a DIY compost bin for your garden. With just two trash cans and a few supplies that cost under $20, you can create an effective composting system. The process is straightforward: cut out holes in the trash cans for ventilation and use the bags provided to hold your compost. This project is perfect for beginners and helps keep your garden healthy and sustainable by recycling waste. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet.

How to Make Compost Bin from Pallets

Making a compost bin from pallets is an easy and inexpensive DIY project that anyone can do. You will need a few pallets and a hammer to get started. Begin by flipping the pallet over so that it’s lying flat on the ground. Using a hammer and nail puller, cut a groove into each end of the pallet. Then, cut one side off each of the four sides of the pallet. This will create an opening for easy access to your compost. Once you have all four sides removed, simply stack the pallets on top of each other and secure them with screws or zip ties. This project requires almost no power tools and can be completed on the weekend.

Homemade Compost Bin

Making a compost bin at home is an easy and affordable way to recycle old items and create organic compost for your garden. To make your own compost bin, you will need a plastic bucket with a lid, chicken wire, bricks or rocks, and newspaper. Follow these steps to build your own compost bin:

  1. Drill holes in the bottom and sides of the plastic bucket for drainage and ventilation.
  2. Cut a piece of chicken wire and wrap it around the bucket, leaving a few inches of space between the chicken wire and the bucket.
  3. Place the bucket on top of bricks or rocks to allow for air circulation.
  4. Add a layer of newspaper to the bottom of the bin to prevent soil from falling through the holes.
  5. Add your compost materials, such as food scraps, yard waste, and leaves, to the bin.
  6. Mix the materials every few weeks to ensure proper decomposition.

With this homemade compost bin, you can reduce waste and create nutrient-rich compost for your garden or lawn.

DIY Tote Compost Bin

DIY Tote Compost Bin

Creating your own compost bin is an easy and affordable way to turn your organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. This guide shows you how to make a compost bin using a large tote, shredded cardboard, organic materials, dirt, and a drill. Simply drill holes into the tote for ventilation, layer the shredded cardboard and organic materials, and add dirt. Cover the compost with organic material like leaves and grass clippings to keep it moist. With this easy DIY project, you can turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into a valuable resource for your garden.

Pallet Compost Bin DIY

Pallet Compost Bin DIY

Looking for a way to reuse your old pallets and create a compost bin for your garden? Look no further! With just a few simple steps, you can create a compost bin using only scrap parts found on the pallet.

To get started, gather your materials including pallets, screws, and a drill. Cut the pallets to the desired size and screw them together to form the bin. Make sure to leave a small opening for easy access to your compost.

Once assembled, fill the bin with your compost materials and let it sit for a few weeks. Then, use a pitchfork or shovel to turn the compost and aerate it. In just a few months, you’ll have nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

This DIY project is a great way to repurpose materials and create a sustainable solution for your garden. Plus, it’s an affordable and easy project that can be completed in just a few hours. Give it a try and see the benefits for yourself!

DIY Twin Compost Bin

DIY Twin Compost Bin

If you’re looking for a simple and effective way to compost your food waste and garden refuse at home, building a twin compost bin is a great option. With basic carpentry skills, you can construct this DIY compost bin over the next weekend. The design is flexible and inexpensive, allowing you to customize it to fit your individual needs and preferences. By changing the size, shape or materials used to build it, you can create a compost bin that works perfectly for you. The twin bin is a great starting point for composting, and you can always move on to larger bins as you become more experienced.

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Creating your own compost bin is a great way to reduce waste and improve your garden’s soil health. There are many different DIY compost bin ideas to choose from, including using wooden pallets, building a wire mesh bin, or repurposing a trash can. Consider the size of your yard, the amount of waste you produce, and your budget when selecting the best option for you. With a little effort, you can create a compost bin that will benefit both your garden and the environment.

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