The Complete Guide to Cask Beer

The Complete Guide to Cask Beer

If you enjoy cask beer or have just got to know them and want to know more about them, there’s still so much to unpack, but it would be a fun experience. Each type of beer has undergone a process and is made of ingredients that work well together; here’s the complete guide to cask … Read more

What is a Beer Garden

What is a Beer Garden?

Winter season’s almost ending, so summer is almost near; now, get your trendy summer outfit—and be ready for a stroll and a sip of beer. If there are beer gardens over your location, you should not be hesitant to go to that place since everyone’s welcome at different venues and places of beer gardens! Now … Read more

Porter vs. Stout What's the Difference

Porter vs. Stout: What’s the Difference?

At first glance, Porter and Stout may look alike; however, they possess distinctive characteristics that set them apart. In this article, we will uncover the various ways in which Porter vs. Stout differ from one another. What is Porter? Porter is an iconic dark beer that roots in the bustling streets and rivers of London, … Read more

Why Do People Put Egg In Beer

Why Do People Put Egg In Beer?

A couple of nights ago, my friends talked about drinking beer and eggs. I was so surprised because it’s something I haven’t heard before. Apparently, it’s something people have been doing for quite a long time now. So, why do people put eggs in beer? The Origin Of Egg In Beer Drinks like eggnogs and … Read more

What's the Difference Between Birch Beer and Root Beer

What’s the Difference Between Birch Beer and Root Beer?

Are you looking for an alternative to soda or liquor? Consider birch beer or root beer. These two beverages share several similarities, including their herbal flavors. This article explores the battle of birch beer vs. root beer. Read on to know which one suits your palate. Differences in Origin Birch beer and root beer makers … Read more

Can a Dog Drink Beer

Can a Dog Drink Beer? (Health Risks)

Homebrewing beers at home have become an increasingly popular hobby among beer enthusiasts. As there is an increase in people brewing beer, an increase in emergency calls to vets has been observed, concerning their pets ingesting beer. Dogs are quite curious about what we do, they explore and stick things in their mouths. Although it … Read more

How to Stop Drinking Beer

How to Stop Drinking Beer

Beer intake can be fun, and talking with your friends while intoxicated is a funny experience, even meaningful for some. However, beer can be a dangerous beverage when overly consumed. As you may have heard, too much of everything is bad. And indeed, it has adverse effects. Here are some notes on how to stop … Read more

Beer Nutrition

Beer Nutrition Facts (How Many Calories, Carbs, etc. in Beer)

Every food you come across has something to offer your body as it is made from ingredients that contribute to its value. As for beer, even if it’s not as nutritious as other beverages, it still has nutritional value. Here are beer nutrition facts you should take note of. How many calories, carbs, etc. in … Read more

Proven Ways to Get Drunk Faster

10 Proven Ways to Get Drunk Faster

At times, we feel that moment in life when we all ever wanted to do is gulp down a tremendous amount of alcohol and get drunk faster. There are days when you want to drink for entertainment. But of course, we can’t deny that there are days when getting intoxicated is the end goal. There … Read more

Beer Adjuncts Fact Definition, Types, Importance

Beer Adjuncts Fact: Definition, Types, Importance

“Isn’t all beer supposed to taste the same because they share the same four basic ingredients?” Many beer lovers will agree with us on this question and would want some answers. It is complicated to dive into the beer world. Many beer flavors and styles are available for people to choose from. In fact, many … Read more